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Selectmen's Minutes October 12, 1999

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
October 26, 1999

Present:  Chairman Daniel Webster, Judy Murdoch, Peter Jones, Charles Flynn, and Executive Secretary Joseph Nugent.

I.      Judy Murdoch announced the Council of Elder Affairs would be holding an Octoberfest on October 16, 1999 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Senior Center.  Also Make a Difference Day is October 23, 1999 and the Whitman Hanson High School in conjunction with the Senior Center and Post Office will be collecting non-perishable foods.

II.     Chairman Webster indicated that Kathy Dyer informed him that the Habitat for Humanity is looking for a new location for another project.  He suggested that the Board start to consider same.

III.    Chairman Webster announced that the Board of Selectmen and Town Hall Building Committee will be hosting an Open House on Saturday, November 6, 1999 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

IV.     Discussion regarding Town Hall Hours.  Chairman Webster explained the results of the arbitration with the Clerical Union regarding Friday Openings.  He indicated a few options - 1: Go back to Monday through Thursday 8:00 - 5:00 p.m.  2. Try to negotiate with the Union and continue with Department Heads on Friday.  Joseph Nugent suggested a flex schedule for the Department Heads regarding Fridays.  He also indicated that not all of the offices are open on Fridays - Board of Assessors indicated they will have someone there every other Friday and the Board of Health Agent is out doing inspections.  Lengthy discussion ensued.  Judy Murdoch felt that the public is not being served properly if all the offices are not open on Friday.  Charlie Flynn indicated that coming to the Town Hall on Fridays is “Pot Luck”.  He suggested trying to get the Union to open their contract.  Chairman Webster is not convinced that Friday’s don’t work.  He feels people should be here and schedules should be posted.  He also feels the Board should strongly suggest to other Town Boards that they have their offices open on Fridays.  Peter Jones suggested opening 8 - 12 on Fridays for a trial period and see how it works.  He does not want to re-negotiate with the Union.  He would like to get the public input on the Friday openings and hours of availability.  Judy Murdoch agreed and indicated that a Flex schedule could be worked out for the Department Heads.

From the Audience - Lila Coyle indicated that until the Board of Appeals office gets staffing, she will be in the office on Fridays.  She also indicated that she wanted to be part of the interview process for the Admin. Assist.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Peter Jones to open the Town Hall 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Friday and review the matter in two months.  Also send a letter to all Boards recommending their departments be open on Fridays.  Voted 3 - 0 - 1 (Webster abstaining)  Chairman Webster indicated that while he is in favor of Friday openings, he abstained because he wants the Town Hall open all day on Fridays.

V.      Chairman Webster reviewed a letter to Mrs. Dahlberg regarding public records.  Peter Jones inquired as to the law regarding length of time records should be kept. Joseph Nugent indicated that the minutes should be kept forever.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Peter Jones to send letter.  Voted 4 - 0.

VI.     Reviewed complaint regarding Stinger’s Family Restaurant.  Chairman Webster indicated that he had spoken with Chief King regarding policing the area at closing times.  Webster recommended sending Stingers a strong letter outlining the guideline of the entertainment license and putting them on notice if other complaints are received, there will be a hearing.  Also send a letter to Chief King formally requesting patrol through the parking lot.  Charles Flynn inquired as to the complaint regarding the loading dock being moved and if there was a site plan.  Joseph Nugent indicated that he did not believe the actual dock was moved, but that deliveries are being made at a different entrance.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Charles Flynn to send a letter to Stingers and Police Dept. Voted 4 - 0.

VII.    Discussed the evaluation tool and departmental input.  Chairman Webster suggested a meeting with all the Departments to review the draft evaluation tool.  He would like to get the process effective in November.

VIII.   Request from Robert Schmitt for Rockland-Hanson Rotary for One-Day Liquor License on October 30, 1999 at Camp Kiwanee.

MOTION by Charles Flynn, second by Judy Murdoch to approve One-Day License.  Voted 4 - 0.

IX.     Discussed the Underground Storage Tanks at the Plymouth County Hospital.  Joseph Nugent indicated that an advertisement has been drafted for the Central Register for the removal and should be published this month.  VHB will put together an RFP for removal of all ten tanks and remediation.  After the removal is complete, the Town can apply for reimbursement.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Charles Flynn to place ad.  Voted 4 - 0

X.      Joseph Nugent pointed out that the new custodian started work this week.  The position was advertised with a salary range of $11.72 to $13.59 based on Wage & Personnel recommendations.  Joseph Nugent suggested starting the custodian at $12.00 per hour.  The Highway Union has expressed interest in bringing this position back into the Union.  Board agreed to continue discussion in Executive Session.

XI.     Board received a memo from the Treasurer/Collector requesting additional hours during tax collection time.  Chairman Webster indicated that he doesn’t feel it is necessary to add the hours since she has not gone through a tax period yet with the current staff.  Chairman Webster and Executive Secretary will discuss the situation with the Treasurer/Collector.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Charles Flynn to enter into Executive Session according to Item 3 - Litigation and contract issues with Clerical Union, Fire Union, Highway Union and non-union personnel.  Roll Call Vote Murdoch, aye; Webster, aye; Jones, aye; Flynn aye.  4-0 Vote.

XII.    The Board entered open session to announce that no votes were taken in Executive Session.

MOTION by Murdoch, second by Jones to adjourn.  3-0 Vote. (Flynn left at 9:50 p.m.)